The consortium brings together transnational operating partners in the field of nature and biodiversity conservation (ALPARC, CIPRA). Both partners allow the involvement of local, regional and national partners and stakeholders at decision maker level. At the same time they are able to apply the Alps wide perspective on the questions to be tackled. Experienced research institutions (FIWI, EURAC) ensure a scientific coherent approach, the capitalisation on former project results and comprehensive conclusions, also based on their specific experience from other (non ETC) projects. The involvement of 4 project partners at regional level (NP Triglav, Nature Park Prealpi-Giulie, NP Berchtesgaden, NP Kalkalpen including NP Gesäuse and the Rhine valley (via CIPRA)) provides a sound knowledge on regional problems and opportunities when it comes to nature and biodiversity conservation policy and implementation of conservation measures.

The experienced partners work together widening both the geographic scope and range of actors. They will also provide access to their knowledge and actors’ networks, especially on municipality level.

The Observers act as multipliers and will give input with regard to the proposed policy options. They will also provide access to their knowledge and actors’ networks. The French-German Presidency (Observer of the project) of the Platform Ecological Network of the Alpine Convention for 2013 and 2014 ensures a direct link to this international treaty and allow a direct involvement of decision makers on political level and direct contacts to European policies.




