Knowing that the Alps are a European biodiversity hotspot, the greenAlps project intends to prepare the ground for building new alliances and for defining innovative cooperation formats.
greenAlps will go beyond classical policy recommendations by giving concrete perspectives for several key sectors, to make the Alps ‘greener’ and competitive in the sense of European policies.
greenAlps aims in finding answers for the following questions:
- How to ensure the long term use of the results of European projects in the field of nature and biodiversity conservation?
- How to make sure that project results feed in European development and environmental strategies?
- How to explain abstract project results to regional stakeholders in a way that they translate them into concrete actions?
- How to provide a comprehensive and understandable “set of instruments for good environmental governance” for regional decision makers?
- How to promote interrelation between ecological connectivity, use of renewable energies and other natural resources and the provision of ecosystem services?
Main activities are:
- Identify key results of relevant projects to build on.
- Illustrating relations between ecological connectivity, use of natural resources and relevance of ecosystem services.
- Make aware that ecological connectivity and sustainable use of natural resources are the basis for the efficiency of ecosystem services.
- Defining transnational needs for implementing the defined policy vision with the institutional background including relevant stakeholders.
Methodological approach:
A specific internationally orientated desk research provides the state of the art and relevant networks. A systematic categorization of results provides an overview on crucial themes for a future orientated environmental policy vision for the Alps. The involvement of four regional partners helps to reflect policy findings from a regional perspective. They will also feed into the preparation of cross-sectoral workshops, making use of geographic explicit information on alpine key areas for connectivity. Representatives of different key sectors will be invited to target alpine ecological connectivity and biodiversity conservation.