The transboundary region Berchtesgaden – Salzburg comprises parts of the Free State of Bavaria (Germany) as well as the federal state of Salzburg (Austria). It is characterised by a landscape mosaic of pristine alpine habitats and cultural landscapes showing a broad spectrum of rare plant and animal species as well as typical alpine dynamics.
Several protected areas are located in the region. They are particularly suited as initial points for developing integrated approaches to biodiversity conservation. As the region is of high ecological significance and part of one bio-geographical area, cooperation towards establishing an ecological network is essential. Further action can be facilitated by continuing existing projects, e.g. in terms of data exchange and collective research.
Within the framework of the greenAlps project, actions towards enhancing ecological connectivity and local governance are to be considered as a basis for a strong cooperation between the Berchtesgaden National Park, the Biosphere Reserve Berchtesgadener Land and the Nature Park Weißbach as well as several nature reserves.
Report of site visit to the pilot area
Stakeholder workshop: landscape and agriculture – main pillars for regioanal development in the pilot area Berchtesgaden/Salzburg, 29/04/2014